June 1, 2014
General: This event will be held under the ARMS SoloSport General Competition Rules. Copies of the ARMS SoloSport GCRs, entry forms, and preparation point schedule are available at www.armsinc.ca. Any amendments to these Supplementary Regulations will be posted on the notice board at Registration on the day of the event. It is the responsibility of each competitor to check for, and adhere to posted changes. The Organizers reserve the right to refuse any entry, modify the schedule, or cancel the event.
Sanction: The event is sanctioned by Atlantic Region Motor Sports Inc. (ARMS) and ASN Canada FIA Inc.
Organizing Club: New Brunswick Sporting Car Club, (NBSCC), PO Box 23018, Saint John, NB, E2J-4M1
Site Location: Long Wharf, Saint John, NB. …Note: Fuel, air, accommodations, and food are available within 1km of the site location. The Hilton is almost touching the course and the cheaper Chateau, Keddy’s, and Howard Johnson’s are also quite close as the event is being held right downtown in Saint John.
Entry Fees: $35.00 per driver. Make cheques payable to: “New Brunswick Sporting Car Club.”
Entrants may pre-register by sending registrations to New Brunswick Sporting Car Club, PO Box 23018 Saint John NB E2J-4M1 to be received no later than May 23, 2013. Please ensure that the selftech form is filled in correctly.
Event organizer: Adam Raeburn
Event contact: Charles Kelly, solo@nbscc.org, 506-654-1025
Course Setup: Stacy Chapman
Timing and Scoring: Art Wood
Registrar: Cheryl Raeburn
Series Steward: Ming Wong
Scrutineering: Troy Clifford
Registration: 9:00am
Scrutineering: 9:00am
Driver’s Meeting: 10:30am
First Run: 11:00am
Event complete and site cleaned by 5:00pm
Scrutineering: 9:00am
Driver’s Meeting: 10:30am
First Run: 11:00am
Event complete and site cleaned by 5:00pm
Entry Requirements:
∙ Drivers: Must have a valid Provincial driver’s license and a valid club membership card from an
ARMS affiliated club. All drivers MUST attend the driver’s meeting at the scheduled time.
∙ Vehicles: Must conform to the vehicle eligibility requirements of the current A.R.M.S. SoloSport
GCRs. All vehicles (and driver’s personal safety equipment) must be submitted to the Scrutineer and must successfully pass any and all inspections before registration is complete. It is the entrant’s responsibility to properly classify the vehicle and declare all modifications.
∙ Insurance Waiver Form: All drivers, crew & spectators must sign the Organizer’s Insurance Waiver Form in order to enter event site. Registration is not complete until this is done! Minors are required to sign a Minor Release Form and are required to show a properly signed Parental Consent Form (forms are available at www.asncanada.com ).
∙ Deadline for Entries: Registration will remain open until the last car in the first run group makes its run on the course.
Results: Official results will be posted on the ARMS web site.
Additional Regulations:
∙ All competitors are required to work the event. Qualified replacements may be used as substitutes in worker assignments. However, workers must notify the Chief of Course prior to the substitution. Failure to comply or properly perform assigned duties will result in additional work assignments or disqualification, as executed by the organizers.
∙ Course workers must be on their feet at all times while cars are competing.
∙ While on course, all competition vehicles MUST BE identified by a car number and appropriate car class which must be visible from the timing and scoring area. Cars not meeting this requirement will not be scored.
∙ Upon successfully completing scrutineering inspection, the Scrutineer will provide a mark to be fixed to the exterior of the car for the duration of the event in a place visible to the Starter (upper left corner of the windshield is recommended). Cars must show the Scrutineer’s official mark or they will not be allowed to enter the course.
∙ Items that fail scrutineering inspection (eg. old helmets) may be impounded, and will be returned after the completion of the event.
∙ Regardless of the results of the scrutineering inspection, the entrant/owner is fully responsible for the safety and soundness of the vehicle and equipment, for full and complete disclosure of all modifications, and for properly classifying the vehicle.
∙ Competitors will be arranged into two run groups side by side in the paddock area. Cars in the same class will be grouped together in these two parking areas with multiple driver cars at the head of the rows and interjected into the run group with a minimum spacing of 5 minutes or 5 cars at the discretion of the organizers.
∙ Cars must be presented to the starter in order and prior to starting time or forfeit that run (DNS).
Exception: Drivers of cars with mechanical difficulty shall have 10 minutes after the car is scheduled to start, to present the car at the start line. Grid personnel will verify the mechanical difficulty, and will refer the request for a mechanical delay to the Chief Steward in cases where the competitor may gain an unfair advantage by delaying a run, for example changing weather conditions.
∙ Directional pylons (pylons which are laid on their side) are for informational purposes and do not count if hit. Directional pylons placed directly adjacent to a penalty pylon must be obeyed or a DNF will result. Directional pylons not adjacent to a penalty pylon are for informational purposes only and do not result in a DNF if not followed. If a directional pylon displaces a penalty pylon, the pylon penalty will be assessed.
∙ All entrants are expected to be responsible for their own garbage. Please clean up before you leave the site.
∙ A speed limit of 20 Km/h will be enforced at the event site including pregrid and grid. Tire spins, rapid speed or direction changes, or other “abnormal/unusual” driving techniques are strictly prohibited throughout the event site other than during competition.
∙ Guests of drivers (including children and pets) are allowed anywhere on the event site EXCEPT during active competition. During active competition, children under 12 and pets are not allowed in the grid, staging and course areas. Pets must be leashed at all times.
∙ Drivers are responsible for the actions of their crew and guests. All must sign a waiver to enter the site and be present in the pregrid, grid, staging and course areas. Waiver forms will be present at the manned entry gate.
∙ The general public (those not directly accompanying drivers) will not be permitted on site (within fenced zone).
∙ Refueling of cars on site may be permitted only when accompanied by an assistant and suitable fire extinguisher. Clean up any spills.
-Mandatory 95db @ 50 ft. limit for all vehicles.
∙ All incidents involving injury and/or property damage occurring on the event site, or felt associated to the event will be reported as soon as possible to the Organizers.
∙ Protests and Appeals shall be referred to the event Steward. Protests may be filed with the Steward and must be accompanied by the appropriate protest fee in cash, or traveler’s checks.
2014 ARMS Autoslalom Regulations:
Please verify your class prior to event if at all possible! We will be on a very tight schedule with a limited registration time. Classing is as follows with PAX (within each class) determining the winner of each of these classes:
· Street Touring—STF / STC / STX / STS / STR / STU
· Street Prepared—SSP / ASP / BSP / CSP / DSP / ESP / FSP
· Street Modified—SMF / SM / SSM
· Prepared—XP / CP / DP / EP / FP / GP
· Modified—AM / BM / CM / DM / EM / FM
· Street Touring—STF / STC / STX / STS / STR / STU
· Street Prepared—SSP / ASP / BSP / CSP / DSP / ESP / FSP
· Street Modified—SMF / SM / SSM
· Prepared—XP / CP / DP / EP / FP / GP
· Modified—AM / BM / CM / DM / EM / FM